Excursion #5 – Hyperdodecahedron

May 13, 2012

I have built a large number of shape models since I was introduced to the Zometool.com materials.  You have seen some of the models in previous posts.

Zometool recently offered a sale on a special kit to build a Hyperdodecahedron (aka Hyperdō).  I could not resist…  The kit arrived and I set to work to build my new “toy.”  After about 2 hours I was done.  The model is about 36″ in diameter–there was a “warning” that it might not fit through doorways, so be careful where it gets put together…

The Hyperdō is not a MLL shape–at least that I can find.  It has a true dodecahedron in the center.  Subsequent layers are built onto the dodecahedron using dodecahedron-like shapes that are squashed in one dimension.  The further out, the more squashed.

Here, then, is a picture of my model.  See the Zometool site for more pictures sent by others.


Shape Models #2

April 14, 2012

The parts finally came in so that I could finish making the Unconditional Love (small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron) shape that I had started when I put out the last posting.  The shape went together without any surprises–except that it is a lot larger than the other advanced shapes that I have made.  All told, the Unconditional Love model is about 14″ across.  I have included a graphic of the shape from Wikipedia, the picture of the partially-completed shape from the last posting, and a picture of the completed shape.

The attributes of the Unconditional Love shape are summarized as:

  • it offers unconditional love
  • it shows energy at all levels
  • it emphasizes common sense and rejects nonsense
  • it changes your mental approach to yourself
  • it helps get to the truth
  • it rids worry, guilt, and shame.


Shape Models #1

April 1, 2012

A new topic category today…

I really wanted to find a way to better visualize the shapes that I use in MLL.  I made a variety of paper models.  But, I found them to be challenging to make and they didn’t survive for very long.  Of course, Buddy, the cat, really liked playing with them and helping their demise..

About a month ago I got an e-mail update from a company that I like about a sale on a product from Zometool (http://www.zometool.com).  The product is Plato’s Solids.  It is a build-it-yourself kit of struts and balls that can be used to build a variety of platonic solids.  I zeroed in on the kit because the basic MLL shapes are platonic solids.  One week later I had built the platonic solids and had ordered more parts to continue my quest.  Here we are a month later, and I have “invested” a small fortune in Zometool pieces and parts.  My fourth order should be here in a few days.

I have some favorite shapes that I set out to build.  They include the Mexican Mama (great stellated dodecahedron), Dolphin Energy (great dodecahedron), and Unconditional Love (small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron).  The Mexican Mama is done, and is headed to my office at work to hang.  The Dolphin Energy is also done, and is headed to a home with my friend.  And, the Unconditional Love is a work in process, since I ran out of parts.

I have attached a set of pictures of the models that I have done to date.  Yes, I know that they are just another 2D version of what you can already find on the internet.  You’ll see that they are a bit different, since they are “hollow” and you’ll have to use your imagination to fill in the solid faces.  I took the pictures in a way that has limited depth of field so that you can get a sense of the depth by the range of focus.  Mouse over the images to see the shape names.  Click on the images for larger versions.

One special note.  Don’t read too much into the colors of the shapes.  After all, MLL is the combination of the shape and the color.  The colors are a take-it-or-leave part of what Zometool gives you for the pieces and parts.

Tell me what you think.  Enjoy!